Quality Control

In accordance with the environment and human-centered policies determined within the frame of Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, Bak Gravür, undertakes to:

  • Constantly improve all its processes by effectively managing the risks,
  • Realize our company goals,
  • Implement the zero-accident principle in the area of occupational health and safety,
  • Increase the company’s performance and production efficiency,
  • Encourage employees to take part actively and ensure an environment of open communication,
  • Protect and use in the most effective way the environmental balance and natural resources,
  • Be aware of the negative impacts of climate change and contribute to the process,
  • Ensure information security and business continuity in all its activities,
  • Observe requirements of national and international regulations,
  • Manage relationships with stakeholders in a transparent way and with common sense,
  • Ensure continuity of customer satisfaction by engaging in reformatory activities with consideration of our customers’ demands,
  • Increase our competitive power with our productivity and cement our reputation as a reliable company,
  • Support and improve suppliers,
  • Develop solutions for industry-specific quality, environment, occupational health and safety issues with a tech-savvy approach,
  • Assess the environmental impacts of all investments and take into consideration the best existing techniques to minimize such impacts,
  • Engage in activities that will support sustainable development principle,
  • Raise awareness of quality, environment, occupational health and safety across employees, contractors and other solution partners.